Empower Your Members With Personalized Tools

MapHabit’s products are tailor-made to support your members’ diverse conditions and needs, supporting more members by leveraging assistive technology.


States Reimbursed

Assistive technology covered via CMS-1915c Medicaid waivers and self-direction.


NIH Grant Funding

Our neurocognitive and therapeutic support tools are NIH-validated.


Peer-Reviewed Studies

Published research on developmental disabilities, TBI, and ADRD.

the maphabit advantage

Benefits for Members and Providers

Improve Member Engagement

MapHabit’s audio-visual and video cue maps, activity kits, and coaching are personalized for each member, involving users more actively in their care program.

Better Allocate Resources

Identify and address specific member needs to ensure your resources are directed where they’re needed most, reducing costs, saving time, and better serving members.

Greater Health Outcomes

Through personalized support, evidence-driven cue maps, and tailored coaching, MapHabit helps users better navigate their day-to-day.

Increase Member Autonomy

MapHabit fosters a sense of independence by helping users take control of their daily routines, improving provider utilization and empowering individuals.

Results & Outcomes

Enhancing Care Consistency and Quality With MapHabit


Improved Independence

MapHabit users see an average 75% rise in autonomy in daily activities.


Improved Quality of Life

Give your members' quality of life a significant boost with MapHabit’s one-of-a-kind platform.


Reduced Care Partner Burden

Give care partners the resources they need to help individuals help themselves.

How It Works

What to Expect

Sustain Program Engagement

Increase Member Satisfaction

Improve Care Coordination

Decrease Care Partner Burden


Get in Touch

Click the ‘Contact Us’ button below or at the top of this page to set a first meeting with our team.


Select Your Products

Review MapHabit’s program, choose which ones will most benefit your members, and coordinate coverage as needed.


Start Using MapHabit

Once chosen, users can access and use our services through your partnership with us. We’ll help you craft communications to your members about MapHabit as needed.


Receive Ongoing Support

Our team partners with your practice, supporting you in using MapHabit to enhance your members care.


How MapHabit Helps Individuals in Your Care

Carolyn Niles

Long-Term Care Professional at Heritage Senior Living

“I printed the [MapHabit quick pain assessment] map, and I… trained our care staff on what non-verbal expressions look like that show individuals experiencing pain. That pain aid assessment tool was very helpful for caregivers to support residents.”

Kim Siddiqui

Family Care Partner

“MapHabit has been a very helpful tool and one that my mom really likes to use. Learning how to make maps and to simplify them so mom can understand and remember tasks has really been very helpful.”

Kory Muskego

Life Enrichment Professional at Heritage Senior Living

“I had a resident who recently became bed-bound, and we did the “What do you smell” activity with her, and she absolutely loved the different scents. She remembered common, around-the-house smells and would tell me a story about it. So, it’s able to spark conversations between you and your resident.”

Our Products

MapHabit for Providers

Find out more about our evidence-based solutions tailored for individuals with IDD, TBI, autism, and those affected by ADRD and their support partners.
Contact Us
tablet and phone side by side product photo