Your Members' Research-Based Digital Health Sidekick

Proven to reduce care partner burden and improve quality of life, MapHabit offers cost-effective solutions that enhance member outcomes and streamline care delivery processes.


States Reimbursed

Assistive technology covered via CMS-1915c Medicaid waivers and self-direction.


NIH Grant Funding

Recognized as one of the most important tools for neurocognitive support.


Peer-Reviewed Studies

Assistive technology research published in in top industry journals.

the maphabit advantage

Benefits for Payers and Members

Better Health Outcomes

MapHabit’s personalized and science-driven platform improves users’ quality of life, reducing overall healthcare utilization and driving improved health outcomes.

Greater Cost Savings

By empowering members to manage their health more effectively and independently, MapHabit reduces the need for interventions and lowers costs for payers.

Stronger Member Engagement

The MapHabit platform is customized to each user’s needs and preferences—improving their investment in the program and increasing adherence to health plans.

Streamlined Care Delivery

Reduce administrative burden and improve your internal workflows with purpose-built activity kits and tailor-made audio-visual cue maps engineered to help your members help themselves.

Results & Outcomes

How MapHabit Helps Your Members


Improved Independence

On average, MapHabit users see 75% improvement in in ADL speed, cooperation, and independence from their baseline.


Improved Quality of Life

MapHabit’s audio-visual and video cue maps contribute to an average 50% improvement in quality of life and well-being.


Reduced Care Partner Burden

Care partners report a significant burden reduction after using MapHabit's personalized maps, activities, and support tools.

How It Works

What's In It For You?

Engage Your Members

Improve Care Coordination

Increase Quality of Life

Decrease Care Partner Burden


Chat With Us

Use the ‘Contact Us’ button below or at the top of this page to request an initial meeting with our team.


Tailor Your Solution

We'll help you determine which enterprise package will benefit your members the most and coordinate your enrollment process.


Start Offering MapHabit

We’ll help you communicate information about MapHabit to your members so they can access and utilize our services.


Receive Ongoing Support

The MapHabit team will monitor your progress and is available to adjust offerings as needed. We want to help you help your members with achieving their health and independence goals!


Give Your Members the Support They Deserve

Ashley Murray

Care Manager at ABHKY

“Previously reliant on constant verbal cues, our member, [a 7-year-old boy with autism], now independently follows a step-by-step routine with the [MapHabit] tablet, managing tasks from breakfast to showering. With decreased assistance needed, he responds effectively to alarms for specific tasks, demonstrating improved understanding and independence.”

Dr. Annette Mims

Family Care Partner

“MapHabit is a blessing to me, as well as those who care for my mom. I was prepared for the new help with an introduction to my mom’s care plan, engagement activities, schedules, maps, etc.”

Carolyn Niles

Long-Term Care Professional at Heritage Senior Living

"The difference was night and day. Before MapHabit, our member was agitated, and now he’s enjoying himself—participating in exercise and exploring more MapHabit maps. Being able to assess his own pain needs and self-advocate was everything to him."

Our Products

MapHabit for Payers

Get more details on our evidence-based offerings for individuals with IDD, TBI, autism, and those living with ADRD.
Contact Us
tablet and phone side by side product photo